Issue 15

Issue 15


Strangely, there is vulnerability in explaining art to our mommas… Art jargon acts as a division between those that “get it” and those that don’t… In issue 15, the art world becomes a sieve to collect celebrities, robotics, rape-culture, fashion, comic books, and more. It isn’t shocking that these distinctions have become blurred…What is more revealing, though, is the thinness between these perceived boundaries…So, what if we put aside our degrees and accolades and talk to our mommas, or our neighbors, about art?

–Lindsay Preston Zappas, Founder & Editor-in-Chief

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Eyes Without a Voice
Julian Rosefeldt’s Manifesto
–Christina Catherine Martinez

Seven Minute Dream Machine
Jordan Wolfson’s (Female figure)
–Travis Diehl

Laughing on the Inside
Vanessa Place’s Rape Jokes
–Catherine Wagley

Interview with Rosha Yaghmai
–Laura Brown

Exquisite L.A.
Featuring: Patrick Martinez,
Ramiro Gomez,and John Valadez
–Claressinka Anderson
& Joe Pugliese

Outliers and American
Vanguard Art
–Jonathan Griffin

Sperm Cult
–Matt Stromberg

Khalil Joseph
–Jessica Simmons

Ingrid Luche
at Ghebaly Gallery
–Lindsay Preston Zappas

Matt Paweski
at Park View / Paul Soto
–John Zane Zappas

Trenton Doyle Hancock
at Shulamit Nazarian
–Colony Little

(L.A. in N.Y.)
Catherine Opie
at Lehmann Maupin
–Angella d’Avignon